Sometimes, you can find the most awesome photography from the least likely sources!
Many of you know that I am a strategic marketing consultant and have done work for a large land brokerage firm here locally for over five years.
For my real estate projects, I receive dozens to hundreds of photos of each property for my work – mostly land – that are taken by the sales agents. These are used in printed materials, print and online advertising, web sites, and other areas of marketing efforts. Most photos are “OK” and with a little Photoshop love, can be dressed up for these uses.
Working with a newer sales agent, I was stunned to see his ability with photography. His eye for artistic composition and capturing the “flavor” of the subject was outstanding. And, with his permission, I wanted to share these gorgeous photos just for their artistic value. (All photos in this blog post are ©2010 Copyright John Evans, All Rights Reserved)
What you are seeing are photos of “old Florida.” There are thousands of acres of old Florida land, each with their own distinct flavor. Many of these acres are for sale and come across my desk. Many have conservation easements on the property so their pristine beauty and abundant wildlife habitats are captured and maintained forever.
The photos I am sharing in this post were taken for a specific large parcel of land on Lake Disston that is on the market here in Florida. In fact, you can thumb through the magazine-like brochure that I designed and is a sample of what I do! (Click for brochure).
I charged John Evans, the sales agent, with a request for a cover-worthy photo for this brochure. John traveled to the site with his Kayak strapped to his vehicle! He paddled out into the lake in the kayak to photograph the shoreline. As you see here, he had the company of a watchful “gator.” Capturing great photography is not easy and often requires getting out of your comfort zone (or into a kayak surrounded by gators) to get that perfect shot!
The composition may be fine in most of the photos, but never should heavily photoshopped photos be posted as artistic photography. It really dilutes the work of true artists. In our digital age its too easy to "fix" a photo just because we wish the sky was a little better, or we wish that tree wasn't in the way. I believe the photos above could have stood on their own, without the photoshopped skies and other tweaks.
ReplyDeleteMajor Outstanding photos!!! I love swamp photos. Maybe one day I will be able to visit this wonderful area.